
开始预习silk /asleep /alarm /scream /spoil /gr



silk /asleep /alarm /scream /spoil /grand /tiny /daddy /onto /downstairs /...

在Sara看来,Miss Minchin看起来和这幢呆板的大房子一样,冷漠又无趣。不过,Sara相信自己可以像士兵克服对战争的厌恶一样,过好在这里的每一天。

Sara stayed with her father at his hotel for several days until he

sailed away again to India.

They went out and visited many shops together, and bought a great

many things.

They bought, indeed, a great many more things than Sara needed.

Captain Crewe was a foolish, innocent young man and wanted

his little girl to have everything she admired,and everything he

admired himself.

Between them they collected a wardrobe(衣柜) much too grand for

a child of seven.

There were velvet(天鹅绒的) and lace(蕾丝) dresses, and hats with

great, soft bird feathers, coats,and boxes of tiny gloves and handkerchiefs(手帕) and silk

stockings(长袜).And at last they found Emily.

They had passed two or three places without even going in.

Then, as they were approaching a rather small shop, Sara suddenly

started and touched her father’s arm.

“Oh, papa!" she cried. “There is Emily!”

There was an expression in her green-gray eyes as if she had just

seen someone she was fond of.

“She is actually waiting there for us!"she said

“Let us go in to her."

She was a large doll, but not too large to carry about easily.

She had naturally curling(卷曲的)golden brown hair.

Her eyes were gray-blue, with soft,thick eyelashes which were real

eyelashes and not mere painted lines.

“Of course,” said Sara, looking into her face as she held her on her

knee, “of course papa, this is Emily.”

So Emily was bought and taken to a children’s outfitter’s shop and

measured for a wardrobe as grand as Sara's own.

She had lace and velvet dresses,too, and hats and coats and

beautiful underwear(内衣) and gloves and handkerchiefs and furs.

Captain Crewe would really have enjoyed the shopping, but that a

sad thought kept pulling at his heart.


This all meant that he was going to be separated from his beloved(心爱

的) little companion.

He got out of his bed in the middle of that night and stood looking

down at Sara, who lay asleep with

Emily in her arms.

“Little Sara!” he said to himself.

“I don’t believe you know how much your daddy will miss you.”

The next day he took her to Miss Minchin's and left her there.

He was to sail away the next morning.

He explained to Miss Minchin that his lawyers, Mr. Barrow and Mr.

Skipworth, had charge of his affairs in England.

They would pay the bills she sent in for Sara's expenses.

He would write to Sara twice a week, and she was to be given

every pleasure she asked for.

“She is a wise little thing,and she always knows what is best for her

well-being," he said.

Then he went with Sara into her little sitting room and they said goodbye.

Sara sat on his knee and held onto the front of his coat in her small

hands, and looked long and hard at his face.

“Are you learning me by heart, little Sara?"

he said, touching her hair.

“No,” she answered.

“I know you by heart.You are inside my heart.”

And they put their arms round each other as if they would never

let each other go.

After the cab had driven away with Captain Crewe in it, Miss Minchin

sent her sister Miss Amelia, to see what the child was doing.

Amelia found she could not open the door.

“I have locked it,” said a polite little voice from inside.

“I want to be by myself, if you please.”

Miss Amelia was fat and short, and stood very afraid of her sister.

She was the more agreeable person of the two, but she never

disobeyed(违背) Miss Minchin.

She went downstairs again,looking almost alarmed.

“I never saw such a funny, old-fashioned child, sister," she said.

“She has locked herself in, and she is not making any noise.”

“It is much better than if she kicked and screamed, as some of

them do,” Miss Minchin answered.“I expected that a child as much

spoiled(被宠坏的)as she is would make quite a scene.

If ever a child was given her own way in everything, she is.”

“I've been opening her trunks and putting her things away," said Miss

Amelia.“I never saw anything like them.

You have seen some of her clothes.What do you think of them?”

“I think they are perfectly ridiculous(可笑的),”replied Miss


“But they will look very well at the head of the line when we take the

children to church on Sunday. She has been provided for as if she

were a little princess.”

And upstairs(在楼上) in the locked room Sara and Emily sat on the


She stared at the corner round which the cab had disappeared,

while Captain Crewe looked back,waving and kissing his hand as if

he could not bear to stop.

1.Did Sara stayed at the hotel before Captain Crewe sailed away again to India?

A :Yes, she did.

B : No, she didn’t.

C :We don’t know.

文中提到:“Sara stayed with her father at his hotel for several days until he sailed away again to India.” 所以答案选择A。

2.How did Sara feel when her father left?

A :She felt happy.

B :She felt relieved.

C :She felt sad.

文中提到:“After the cab had driven away with Captain Crewe in it, Miss Minchin sent her sister, Miss Amelia, to see what the child was doing. Amelia found she could not open the door. ‘I have locked it,’ said a polite little voice from inside. ‘I want to be by myself, if you please.’ ” 所以答案选择C。

3.How often did Captain Crewe promise to write to Sara?

A :Once a week.

B: Twice a week.

C :Twice a month.

文中提到:“He would write to Sara twice a week, and she was to be given every pleasure she asked for.” 所以答案选择B。

4.Why did Miss Amelia look alarmed after seeing what Sara was doing?

A :Because Sara kicked and screamed, making a great noise.

B :

Because Sara sat on the floor and stared at the corner round which the cab had disappeared.

C :

Because Sara had locked herself in, not making any noise.

文中提到:“She went downstairs again, looking almost alarmed.‘I never saw such a funny, old-fashioned child, sister,’she said.‘She has locked herself in, and she is not making any noise.’” 所以答案选择C。



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